I decided to wait an extra day before doing the 20-mile run. It was sunny today with the temperature at about 50 degrees. That's actually an excellent marathon temperature. I ran along Elliot Bay with a repeat of the section from Belltown to near where the Seahawks and Mariners stadiums are located (lower right hand corner of the map). I took two Gel packs with me and wasn't sure what I was going to do about the water but knew there was one at Edwards park (I think in my last post I mistakenly called it Elliot Bay Park) by Elliot Bay, but just wasn't sure if it was working. Fortunately it was and so I stopped for a drink at miles 7 and 12.
I felt good and it would have turned out to be a 3:17 marathon if I continued running at the same pace the rest of the way. I only ran 18 miles, but that was on purpose because I figured if I could do 2/3 of it, I'll finish the rest on marathon day. One gel pack fell out along the way so I know I would have done better on a closed course with water and energy bar stations. I am ready.
18.0mi Run (7:32 min./mi. pace); 2078 cal.