What a week--I can't stick to a schedule and I've been running just based on how I feel. Well, I felt good today so I pushed a 10k to a half-marathon. It's
the same run I did on January 29th. This time I ran a little bit faster-- a 7:23 pace vs. 7:43. As on the previous run, I didn't take any water or gel packs. If I had known in advance that I'd be running that far, I would have taken a gel pack because the last 3 miles were tough (same story as last time).
A 7:23 pace is still pretty slow but this is a pretty hilly run. Next time I'll try something more flat, perhaps a run by Elliot Bay near downtown. I like riding hills on a bike, but I'm not a very good uphill runner.

13.1mi Run; 1:36:47; 7:23 pace; 1500 cal.