I ran the same distance as last time, except this time I went a lot faster. However, I cheated a little bit, because at the end of the run there was a train crossing along Alaskan Way and I couldn't cross to go back up to Belltown, so I ran along the waterfront until I got to 10k. Otherwise, I probably would have been 30 seconds slower. Also, I forgot to take my iPod with me. Usually I think it helps me on practice runs, but I never run races with it. Today it probably didn't make a difference because I felt pretty good.
Yesterday I ran 6.21 miles in 49:19, which is a pace of 7:56 min./mi. Today I ran the same distance in 43:00, which is a 6:55 pace.
10k (6.2mi) + .4mi jog = 6.6mi