I did the standard ~14-15 mi. bike ride that goes through Magnolia, Discovery Park, the Locks, Ballard, Fremont, and back to Belltown. It's possible that I reached my top speed today: 42.4 mph while going down a hill in Discovery Park. There's a long and pretty steep hill right before leaving the park and heading toward the Locks, which connects Puget Sound with Lake Union. I usually ride it very cautiously because the road twists to the right quite sharply and can get crowded by strollers, sometimes accompanied by dogs. But today I went down very fast and could tell the difference, so I think the speed reading is somewhat accurate, although the straight line shown indicates that the signal was being blocked for a while by the trees. Discovery Park is on the upper-left hand side of the map and the purple color indicates that speed.
14.3mi Bike; 524 calories; 142 lb.