This is a picture of the front apparatus of a treadmill. I took on my cell phone immediately after I finished running 5k (3.1 miles) It took me about 27 minutes. I did a little bit of a different routine this time: I started at 6.0mph then increased .5mph every .5 miles. So from 2.0-2.5 miles I was running at 8.0mph. Then at 2.5 miles, I decreased the speed to 7.0mph then to 6.0mph at 2.75 miles.
Immediately afterwards, I hit a stationary bike. Here's a picture of it:

The two most important readings as far as I am concerned are RPM (rotations per minute) and the heart rate. Unfortunately I didn't have my heart rate monitor with me, so I only put down my hands on the portion of the handle bar that read the heart rate a couple of times. The RPM readout on the picture indicates a speed of 64, when I was cooling down. I adjusted the workout as I went along because this was the first time I have used this particular type of stationary bike. In summary, I had the intensity at about 5 out of 10 and was doing 100 RPM for 5 miles. It took me almost exactly 15 minutes. The calorie readout is only 173, which is not much, but I can confirm that I left a puddle of sweat underneath the bike.
Total: 5k (3.1mi) Run + 5mi Bike; ~550 cal.; 142 lb.