I am posting the largest map of any bike ride or run I've done. This one is 1600 pixels in length. The reason I did it is that you can get a very good idea of exactly where I biked on this USGS topographic map. For example, in about the lower-middle part of the map, as I pull away from Puget Sound, I bike along the railroad tracks, first on a paved pathway, then on a road. The tracks are visible on the map; in fact, you can actually see how many tracks there are at any particular point.
Also, I changed the auto-pause function on the Forerunner to 4mph or less. Previously, when I was walking along the Locks (just SW of the "Standard Loop" title at the top of the map) to cross Salmon Bay (biking is not allowed) the time wouldn't always stop because my speed was just about 3mph. Because of the change, my time has dramatically improved. The walking portion still shows up on the map with the red color--the slowest speed--but the distance and time aren't counted in the overall mph calculation. Thus my average speed was 16.2mph, the fastest (recorded) time so far.
13.6mi (Bike); 16.2mph; 503 calories; 140 lb.